One good drug can change fate! Summit’s stock price soars by 119%, with its market value increasing more than a hundredfold
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Merck Halts Two Phase III Clinical Trials
Drug development is not easy, and we pay tribute to the heroes of innovative drug development!
Gilead | A Ray of Hope for the Highly Anticipated TROP2 ADC Trodelvy
DrugTimes team will follow up on this hot field and report timely. Please stay tuned. Many thanks!~
Is it too early for Akeso and Summit to celebrate? Merck executive comments on the explosive news that Keytruda has been successfully challenged
Just our two cents. All comments, including criticisms, are warmly welcome. Thank you all very much!
Ivonescimab Monotherapy Decisively Beats Pembrolizumab Monotherapy Head-to-Head, Achieves Statistically Significant Superiority in PFS in First-Line Treatment of Patients with PD-L1 Positive NSCLC
Monotherapy Ivonescimab Achieved Clinically Meaningful PFS Benefit in HARMONi-2 Tri…
原文始发于微信公众号(药时代):艾德生物与德国默克达成中国市场的伴随诊断战略合作 (来源:艾德生物) 2020年12月23日,中国厦门:继日本市场伴随诊断合作之后,艾德生物宣布已与…
原文始发于微信公众号(药时代):真实世界中的度伐利尤单抗:III期NSCLC根治性放化疗后的巩固效果 本文转自:癌度,药时代授权转载,衷心感谢! III期非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)…
药时代,我们帮您找到理想的合作伙伴! 摘要 目前,我们对获得性免疫检查点抑制剂(ICI)耐药的机制知之甚少。有文献报道,黑色…