原文始发于微信公众号(药时代):【黄东临】New Horizon in China's Pharmaceutical Industry
中国医药工业信息中心的首席咨询师黄东临老师应邀作为演讲嘉宾参加了【2016年台湾生物技术展】(BioTaiwan 2016)。
作为【两岸生医产业合作论坛】的开场演讲嘉宾,黄老师向与会的朋友们介绍了【New Horizon in China's Pharmaceutical Industry】。
Mr. Huang Donglin is the Chief Consultant of Pharmaceutical Industry Information Center in China. He has over 10 year working experience in healthcare and pharmaceutical industry. During his tenure in PHIIC, he leads his team to publish the industrial reports, and conduct a lot of projects to support clients’ strategy planning and financing initiatives, such as the growth strategy designing, in-depth market and industry research, and implementation of commercial due diligence.