Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter passed away at the age of 100 | Once on the brink of death, saved by Keytruda
One of President Carter’s most notable achievements was the formal establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States during his tenure
One good drug can change fate! Summit’s stock price soars by 119%, with its market value increasing more than a hundredfold
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Merck Halts Two Phase III Clinical Trials
Drug development is not easy, and we pay tribute to the heroes of innovative drug development!
Top 10 best-selling oncology drugs
The bright past is worth learning from by R&D personnel of later generations and their role and responsibility is to realize the commercialization of today’s cutting-edge technologies
As the 10th anniversary of approval approaches,Keytruda adds ‘potential’ performance to Merck
DrugTimes will follow up on this subject. Please stay tuned
Is it too early for Akeso and Summit to celebrate? Merck executive comments on the explosive news that Keytruda has been successfully challenged
Just our two cents. All comments, including criticisms, are warmly welcome. Thank you all very much!
Ivonescimab Monotherapy Decisively Beats Pembrolizumab Monotherapy Head-to-Head, Achieves Statistically Significant Superiority in PFS in First-Line Treatment of Patients with PD-L1 Positive NSCLC
Monotherapy Ivonescimab Achieved Clinically Meaningful PFS Benefit in HARMONi-2 Tri…
本文转自:环宇达康,药时代授权转载,衷心感谢!点击阅读原文 免疫疗法是攻克癌症的希望,通过激活人体自身的免疫系统攻击癌症的方式已被证实可以用于所有的实体肿瘤,这种旨在充分利用人体自…
扫描二维码,参与重磅活动 为期三天的2020年AACR线上会议Ⅱ于美国时间2020年6月22日拉开帷幕。在大会首日,罗氏的研究人员在这一行业盛会上公布了其个性化癌症疫苗RO7198…
新药研发不易!——谁知手中药 粒粒皆辛苦!
悯农 唐·李 绅 锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土。谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦。 或许因为是医药研发中人,每当看到这首妇孺皆知的千古绝句之时,我们就想起了药,想起了医药研发的不易,…