Fusing art, industry and research to catalyse innovation
Shanghai’s latest science park promises to fuel innovation around biomedicine, medical technology, artificial intelligence, the digital economy and semiconductors.
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But that’s precisely what an ambitious multinational team of architects and Chinese visionaries want you to think of the old Pudong Cement Factory in Zhangjiang town, 23 kilometres east of downtown Shanghai.
Since mid-2023, the team has been working to transform the sprawling 117,000 squaremetre factory into a science and innovation park called Zhangjiang Shang. Once complete, it will be able to house more than 500 research institutions, business incubators, startups, technology centres and service platforms.
Many of these will be in research fields China is actively pushing, including biomedicine, medical technology, the digital economy, artificial intelligence, and semiconductors, says city developer, Jiwei Sun, the project’s chief consultant.

Besides injecting new life into the historically significant Pudong Cement Factory, the park will also feature entertainment, sport and dining venues, as well as green areas and housing.
But Zhangjiang Shang’s unique selling point will be how it weaves art and culture into its core “to stimulate the creativity of scientists,” says Sun.
Dreaming up solutions to tackle today’s challenges puts demands on a working environment that go well beyond requests for “air conditioning, elevators and transportation,” agrees architect Bing Shen, director of Zhangjiang Shang’s architectural design team.
Mr. Bing Shen, Person-in-Charge of the Architectural Design of the Shang Project 张江之尚项目建筑设计负责人 沈兵先生
Once completed in 2027, Zhangjiang Shang aims to be a leader among the more than 80 science parks strung across China’s major cities. Already, China boasts 26 of the world’s top 100 science and technology innovation clusters — the highest internationally, according to the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)’s 2024 Global Innovation Index. By comparison, the US has 20 such clusters, followed by Germany with eight, and India and South Korea with four apiece.

Countries build science and technology parks, such as Zhangjiang Shang, to gain a technological edge to propel their economic development and enhance their competitiveness on a global stage. As WIPO Director-General Daren Tang explained when the 2024 WIPO Index was released: “Science and technology clusters are the foundation of robust national innovation ecosystems.”
The premise of a cluster is simple: offer a setting where the disparate worlds of academia and industry can interact, speeding the translation of research into real-world technologies.
On this front, Zhangjiang Shang offers an added benefit: choice location. “It is in the core of Zhangjiang Science City,” says Hui Peng, deputy general manager of the Shanghai Housing and Land (Group) Co., Ltd., which is developing the park, and director of the Zhangjiang Shang project.

Zhangjiang Science City is often considered Shanghai’s Silicon Valley — a hotbed for AI giants such as Microsoft and IBM. Zhangjiang Science City is part of the Golden Central Development Belt in the city’s New Pudong Area, a 29-kilometre innovation corridor served by an international airport and multiple train and tram lines, including the highspeed maglev. Zhangjiang Shang will be at its heart.
China has come a long way since its first science and tech park, Zhongguancun, was inaugurated in Beijing in 1988. Since then, R&D spending has grown exponentially. The government will raise science and technology funding by a further 10% this year.

Science and technology has underpinned many of China’s greatest achievements, from making history retrieving samples from the far side of the Moon, to constructing the first quantum communications satellite and having the world’s most sensitive ultra-high-energy cosmic-ray detector.
On the world science stage, the nation’s researchers command a strong presence. Its universities clinched eight of the top 10 spots in the 2024 CWTS Leiden Ranking, which evaluates the scientific performance of institutions based on their publications produced over a 4-year period.
In 2022, China took top spot from the United States for contributions to research articles published in the Nature Index group of high-quality natural science journals.
The upcoming Zhangjiang Shang could add to its accomplishments. Its 28 buildings and surrounding landscape have been designed by 11 master architects, including Tadao Ando Architect and Associates. Their unique styles will “ensure each building has its own personality,” says Peng. They will also pay careful attention to preserving the site’s historical identity. For instance, Tadao Ando Architect and Associates’ striking redesign of the old cement plant leaves some silos standing, while cutting others at an angle to allow more natural light to enter and “create a new poetic experience.”
The architects will also incorporate sustainable elements, installing green roofs and using bioswales—or vegetated channels—to collect and filter stormwater runoff.
But one of the most unique aspects of the park will be the prominence of art. Fifty percent of its indoor and outdoor space will be reserved for exhibitions, including “cross-border art forms that combine technology and art,” says Sun. “Culture and art will be used for motivation and energy”.
“The art will be a fundamental starting point for stimulating people’s creativity,” adds Peng.
Rather than simply designing a functional space, architects need to “provide scientists with a creative environment — a place that is diverse, rich, multi-layered and interesting to promote active thinking and allow them to form better ideas,” says Shen. “Our goal is to ignite that spark.”

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