【BioSpark 创新讲坛】从ChatGPT到scGPT:生成式AI助力单细胞生物学 | 药时代直播间


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【BioSpark 创新讲坛】从ChatGPT到scGPT:生成式AI助力单细胞生物学 | 药时代直播间

【BioSpark 创新讲坛】从ChatGPT到scGPT:生成式AI助力单细胞生物学 | 药时代直播间


Together, Spark Biomedicine!

In this talk, we’ll explore the pioneering application of generative pre-trained models, specifically scGPT, to advance cellular biology and genetics research. Leveraging single-cell sequencing data, we’ve constructed scGPT, a foundation model designed to distill biological insights from a repository of over 33 million cells. This approach parallels words forming text to genes defining cells, bridging the gap between technology and biology. The optimized application of scGPT through transfer learning enhances performance across diverse downstream applications, including cell-type annotation, multi-batch integration, and gene network inference. This talk aims to illuminate the transformative potential of such models in cellular biology.

活动组织:Ethan Xu





【BioSpark 创新讲坛】从ChatGPT到scGPT:生成式AI助力单细胞生物学 | 药时代直播间


【BioSpark 创新讲坛】从ChatGPT到scGPT:生成式AI助力单细胞生物学 | 药时代直播间

Dr. Bo Wang

Dr. Bo Wang is a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Departments of Computer Science and Laboratory Medicine & Pathobiology at the University of Toronto. He is the inaugural Temerty Professor in AI Research and Education in Medicine. Dr. Wang is the Chief AI scientist at the University Health Network, the largest research hospital in Canada. He also holds a CIFAR AI Chair at Vector Institute. Dr. Wang obtained his PhD from the Department of Computer Science at Stanford University in 2017. Dr. Wang’s research focuses on machine learning, computational biology, and computer vision, with a particular emphasis on their applications in biomedicine. His significant contributions to these fields have led to his recognition through numerous esteemed awards, including the Gairdner Early Career Researcher Award and the Canada Research Chair Award.

About us


BioSpark Group成立于2019年8月,是在美国麻省注册的非盈利机构。BioSpark致力于推动生命科学领域的高级人才交流,建立富有合作和互助精神的社群生态环境,实现学术和企业的跨界交流及思想碰撞,从而帮助华人科学家在世界生物医药领域提升领导力、开拓企业家精神及促进科学发现的商业转化。

BioSpark Group is a non-profit corporation registered in Massachusetts of the United States. The purpose of BioSpark Group is to establish a biotechnology ecosystem with a collaborative and supportive scholar network, promote leadership and entrepreneurship, and facilitate scientific translation.



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【BioSpark 创新讲坛】从ChatGPT到scGPT:生成式AI助力单细胞生物学 | 药时代直播间

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【BioSpark 创新讲坛】从ChatGPT到scGPT:生成式AI助力单细胞生物学 | 药时代直播间

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BioSpark Group致力于建立华人在生物医领域的生态系统和互助网络,立足于波士顿,我们在硅谷和中国与LEAP Initiative、Dahshu和医药笔记达成战略合作。

【BioSpark 创新讲坛】从ChatGPT到scGPT:生成式AI助力单细胞生物学 | 药时代直播间


【BioSpark 创新讲坛】从ChatGPT到scGPT:生成式AI助力单细胞生物学 | 药时代直播间

【BioSpark 创新讲坛】从ChatGPT到scGPT:生成式AI助力单细胞生物学 | 药时代直播间

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