









       牟艳萍女士于1989年毕业于复旦大学上海医学院,获得医学学士学位, 并开始从事临床医生工作,直至1996年,牟艳萍女士选择转投制药企业工作。在2014年,她获得中欧国际工商学院EMBA学位。


Shanghai Allist Appoints Sandy Mou as CEO


March 26th, 2020(Shanghai)Shanghai Allist Pharmaceutical Technology Co., Ltd today announced that Dr. Sandy Mou has been appointed as the Chief Executive Officer of the company, effective immediately. Dr. Mou will oversee the overall company operation and report directly to the Founder of the company and the Chairman of the Board,Mr. Jinhao Du.


Dr. Mou is an over-20-year veteran of theChina pharmaceutical industry, having served previously in multi-national pharmaceutical giants including Glaxo-Smith-Kline (GSK),AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnson (J &J), and Merck Sharp & Dome (MSD)

Before joining Allist, Dr. Mou served as the General Manager of the Oncology Business Unit of MSD, during which time she set up the operation practically from scratch, led a team of one thousand that drove record-breaking growth, and eventually elevated MSD into the top three rank of the oncology business in China.


“With a historical commitment to the research and development of innovative medicines, Allist has recently embarkedon a new journey to transform itself into a new generation of full-fledged and innovation-driven modern pharmaceutical company, with developed capability in the discovery,production and commercialization of innovative medicines.  We are excited about Dr. Mou joining Allist,and are confident that her strong expertise, global vision and tremendous leadership will help the company enormously in realizing its corporate vision”, remarked Mr. Jighao Du, the Chairman of the Board of Allist.


“I am very much drawn to Allist’s corporate vision and its growth strategy, and I am also extremely impressed at the company’s relentless pursuit of innovative medicines as evidenced by the tremendous investment the company has made over the past 10 years to R&D”, said Dr. Mou. She added that she was also excited about the future of Allist with its strengthened efforts to beef up its internal R&D capability while also focusing on forging strategic international partnership to bring to China innovative medicines. “I have great confidence in the future of Allist and I am looking forward to working with a great team to grow the company together”,said Dr. Mou.


Dr.Mou graduated from the Shanghai Medical College of Fudan University with a Bachelorof Medicine degree in 1989. She was a practice clinician until 1996 when she decided to seek her career development in the pharmaceutical industry. Dr. Mou received her EMBA from CEIBS in 2014.





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