




方恩医药发展有限公司是一家能够提供与ICH标准接轨的临床开发服务的国际CRO公司(合同研究组织),全球现有员工 1700 多名,分布在中国天津、北京、上海、南京、广州、成都、沈阳、石家庄、香港、台湾和美国、亚美尼亚、日本、韩国、印度、英国及菲律宾等国家和地区。

在2007年创立方恩公司前,张丹博士在意大利Sigma-Tau 公司全面负责其北美市场的临床开发及药物安全性评价工作。在此之前,张丹博士为美国昆泰集团公司(Quintiles Transnational Corp.)开创了大中国区市场,任其第一任大中国区董事长。

张丹博士是中组部“千人计划”生物医药国家特聘专家,并任“千人计划”专家联谊会秘书长(第一,二届)。中国医药创新促进会药物研发专业委员会主任委员(第一届)及新药服务专业委员会副主任委员(第一届)。曾任美中生物医药科技协会(CBA)会长,美中药物专业协会(SAPA)执行董事,百华协会(Bayhelix)董事。现任国家“十三·五”重大新药创制计划责任专家,并参与国家药品监督管理局药审中心的技术指南制订和新药临床评审及药审人员培训工作。目前担任国际ICH E19 IFPMA专家委员会组长,NMPA ICH工作组专家。


Dr. Dan Zhang


Dr. Dan Zhang is the Executive Chairman of Fountain Medical Development Ltd., an international clinical CRO with more than 1,700 employees operating in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, UK, India, Philippines, Armenia & USA.

Before founding Fountain Medical Development Ltd. In 2007, Dr. Zhang was the Head of Clinical Development and the Head of Safety Assessment at Sigma-Tau Research Inc. – a leading Italian Pharmaceutical Company. Prior to that he was the vice president at the Quintiles Transnational Corp., the world largest clinical CRO, and Chairman of Quintiles Medical Development (Shanghai) Company Ltd.

Dr. Zhang is a member of grant review committee for National Drug Development Fund of China, and is also a consultant for the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA). He is a member of ICH E19 Expert Working Group. He is also chairing the committee of Pharmaceutical R&D, China Pharmaceutical Industry Research and Development Association. Dr. Zhang is also a senior consultant for the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences and Peking Union Medical College. He was a member of the Overseas Expert Committee on New Drug R&D for the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, and was the secretary-general of the Association of “Thousand Talent” Expert from 2011-2017. Dr. Zhang was the former board of director for the Sino-American Pharmaceutical Association (SAPA) and was the former president of Chinese Biopharmaceutical Association-USA (CBA). Dr. Zhang is chairing the government relationship committee of Bayhelix – an organization hosting senior executives from life science organizations in USA and China.

Dr. Zhang received his pre-med training from Peking University and received M.D. from Peking Union Medical College. He then went to the Harvard School of Public Health and received MPH in health policy and management. Then he went to the Wharton Business School of the University of Pennsylvania, where he obtained his master’s degree in healthcare management in 1998.




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