【Acquisition of Manufacturing Facilities】Seeking pharmaceutical/healthcare CMO/CDMO manufacturing facilities in the United States, Europe, United Kingdom, and Australia. Budget: USD 10 million
If your company is interested in this opportunity, please contact DrugTimes BD team as soon as possible!
The European Commission approves the acquisition of Catalent by Novo Holdings and the related acquisition by Novo Nordisk of three manufacturing sites from Novo Holdings
Novo Nordisk still expects the acquisition to be completed towards the end of 2024
【重磅消息】欧盟委员会无条件批准了Novo Holdings对Catalent的165亿美元收购计划
8 Key Highlights! What Do Global Pharma Industry BD and M&A Trends Forecast for 2024?
Where Pharma is Investing for the Future of Medicine: Biopharma Deal Making in 2024
How Chinese CXOs Answer the Question of Going Global?
As Porton is about to celebrate its 19th anniversary, can this company once again accurately seize the opportunity and step into its 20th birthday with a brand-new posture? It is worth looking forward to
博腾药时代直播间 | 流体化学技术在制药CDMO应用的特色及案例分享
原文始发于微信公众号(药时代):博腾药时代直播间 | 流体化学技术在制药CDMO应用的特色及案例分享 流体化学是全球公认的颠覆传统药物研发和生产的绿色安全制药技术,为药物的合成路线…
近日,重庆博腾制药科技股份有公司(股票简称:博腾股份,股票代码:300363)中国市场业务开发捷报频传,多个中国Biotech客户的NDA (New Drug Applicatio…
博腾药时代直播间 | 流体化学技术在制药CDMO应用的特色及案例分享
我和我的IND | 今晚7:30,全力助您新药研发夺冠!
原文始发于微信公众号(药时代):我和我的IND | 今晚7:30,全力助您新药研发夺冠! 新药研发是一项风险大,投入高,周期长的工作。一个创新药品从立项到最终成功上市,可能需要十余…