NASDAQ-listed companies are looking for obesity drugs with the potential for weight loss and muscle gain

If your company is interested in this opportunity, please contact the DrugTimes BD team as soon as possible!

NASDAQ-listed companies are looking for obesity drugs with the potential for weight loss and muscle gain

NASDAQ listed companies are sincerely seeking obesity drugs with the potential for weight loss and muscle gain, small molecules are preferred. The specific requirements are as follows:

  • Stage: Hit, Lead, PCC, IND-enabling, Phase 1 clinical trial
  • Molecular entities: small molecules
  • Targets: GLP-1, GIP, GCG, APJ, ACTRIIA, ACTRIIB, etc.
  • Rights Interested: Global rights, excluding China rights
  • Preferred cooperation model: Licensing

If your company is interested in this opportunity, please contact the DrugTimes BD team as soon as possible!

Please indicate the project code: BP-20240818-EE-110

We will discuss in detail with you. Thank you!

Contact person: Richard

Phone: 17821449819

WeChat: DrugTimes_BD



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