Continuous updates are in progress, please stay tuned!
(66) | |
(65)EVERCORE ISI Equity Research – Biotech, Pharma, Spec Pharma:ESMO DEEP DIVE (including World Lung – WCLC) | |
(64)China Strategy | If not now, when? 10 reasons to buy China equit(Goldman Sachs,October 7,2024) | |
(63)STAT News: 12 people changing the course of the Chinese biopharma industry | |
(62)CAR T-cell therapy in autoimmune diseases(thelancet, September 22,2023) | |
(61)Roche Pharma Day – 2024 | |
(60)Roche Pharma Day – 2023 | |
(59)Roche Pharma Day – 2022 | |
(58)2021 Roche Pharma Day Infectious Diseases | |
(57)2024 Summer Series of R&D Webinars Part IV – Obesity Programs(Arrowhead, August 14, 2024) | |
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(55)全球医药、医疗行业 – 代谢疾病新药研发系列(三):肝胆代谢疾病及以肝脏递送为靶向的核酸类药物的崛起 | |
(54)Moderna Investor Day R&D and Business Updates (September 12, 2024) | |
(53)Moderna:Vaccine & Business Updates (March 27,2024) | |
(52)Drug Development Failure: How GLP-1 Development Was Abandoned in 1990 | |
(51)外商投资准入特别管理措施(负面清单)(2024 年版) | |
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(36)大型制药企业原始创新来源 | |
(34)Press Release: Novo Nordisk to acquire ocedurenone for uncontrolled hypertension from KBP Biosciences |
(33)Pfizer Pipeline_Update_31JAN2023 | |
(32)Exploration of the antibody drug conjugate clinical landscape | |
(31)2022 Novel Small Molecule Drug Approvals | |
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(17)Q2 2024 U.S. Biopharma Licensing and Venture Report | |
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(15)Alzheimer’s disease drug development pipeline: 2024 | |
(14)Navigating global market: A-deep-dive-into-the-Chinese-pharmaceutical-industry-global-expansion_compressed | |
(13)Artificial Intelligence in Drug Design (Alexander Heifetz) (Z-Library) | |
(12)FDA / CDER: novel drug approvals 2023 (n=55); FDA / CBER: new BLA/therapeutics approvals 2023 (n=17); Biopharma M&A 2023 (37 deals; total value: c.$142bn; Notable biotech IPOs 2023 | |
(11)Immune System Disorder and Cancer-Associated Cachexia | |
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(7)Obesity drugs aren’t always forever. What happens when you quit | |
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(1)特应性皮炎深度解析:药物开发、专利分析与风险评估 |
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