Project ID:BP-20240318-OR-029
Product Brief Summary
- Product Name: High Binding Affinities and Potent Anti-tumor Efficacy Nectin4-CD137 BsAb
- Modality: Bispecific Antibody
- Target: Nectin4 x CD137
- Therapeutic Area: Oncology
- Current Stage: Ready for IND enabling
- Rights Available: China/Global Right
- Collaboration Mode: License out / co-development
Key Advantages:
- Nectin-4 has low-level expression in some normal tissues. Nectin4 ADC and PDC have therapeutic limitations due to hepatoxicity, skin toxicity and other toxicities
- By leveraging the company’s next generation-CD137 BsAb platform, a Nectin4-CD137 BsAb was designed and built to localize CD137-mediated tumor cell killing.
It demonstrated potent anti-tumor activities in vitro and in vivo.
- The BsAb shows high binding affinities to human Nectin4 and CD137 on the Cells
- The BsAb Activates CD137 Signaling Pathway in TAA Dependent Manner
- The BsAb Induces TDCC to Kill T47D cells
- The BsAb Demonstrates Potent Anti-tumor Efficacy on MC38-hNectin4 tumor
Notes: T47D is a human breast cancer cell line endogenously expressing nectin4
The BsAb exhibits good purity after 1-step ProtA purification
- Both BsAbs (transiently expressed) show >97% main peak on analytic SEC after 1step Protein A purification
- No significant aggregations after 5x freeze-thaw
- If interested, please contact DrugTimes BD Team at Many thanks!